What it's like...
(Daniel) "Hey, Tom, so, I was with my brother yesterday, and we were setting fire to these--"
(Tom) "Oh hi, this is Tom from-"
*turns to Amy*
(Daniel) "So, yeah, Amy, we were setting fire to these newspapers outside of my dad's--"
(Amy) "Oh hi, this is Amy from--"
*turns to Erik*
(Daniel) "Yo! Erik, so, as I was saying, we were setting fire to these--"
(Erik) "Oh hi, this is Erik from--"
(Daniel) "GOD DAMN IT! IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE A CONVERSATION IN THIS PLA--- oh, hi, this is Daniel from--"
(Tom) "Oh hi, this is Tom from-"
*turns to Amy*
(Daniel) "So, yeah, Amy, we were setting fire to these newspapers outside of my dad's--"
(Amy) "Oh hi, this is Amy from--"
*turns to Erik*
(Daniel) "Yo! Erik, so, as I was saying, we were setting fire to these--"
(Erik) "Oh hi, this is Erik from--"
(Daniel) "GOD DAMN IT! IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE A CONVERSATION IN THIS PLA--- oh, hi, this is Daniel from--"
Postat av: Maria
First of all; I lolzd so hard when I read that.
And second: I don't know where you get they ugly part from bitch (lol).... but you're not! Those pictures are adorable, and... I didn't even take the most horrifying ones! X'D
I love the last picture. Your face and your finger is so fucking epic! <3
Postat av: Maria
Sv: En halvtimme bara typ :( Var tvungen att gå ur duschen två gånger och hämta luft.
Postat av: Anonym
Sv; Ja det var duschen också :O Seriously alltså!